United Hospital

Congratulations to United Hospital in Saint Paul, Minnesota on attaining accreditation as a Center of Excellence in Robotic Surgery. United Hospital is the largest hospital in the Twin Cities east metro area, and its staff and surgeons, including: • Dr. Todd Brandt • Dr. Patricia Chang • Dr. Bob Gaertner • Dr. Patricia Huberty • Dr. Christopher Knoedler • […]
Dr. Kaywin Carter

Already accredited as a Master Surgeon in Robotic Surgery, Dr. Kaywin Carter of CHI St. Luke’s Health Women’s Health in Lufkin, Texas, is now also an accredited Master Surgeon in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Dr. Carter has been practicing in Lufkin since 1991, and is dedicated to providing the safest and most advanced care to her patients.
Dr. Chris Cobourn

Congratulations to Dr. Chris Cobourn of SmartShape Weight Loss Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada on attaining accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. Dr. Cobourn has been an SRC-accredited Center of Excellence surgeon since 2015, and serves on expert committees and panels to establish worldwide standards and practices for bariatric surgery. •
Dr. Ghassan Lotfi

Congratulations to Dr. Ghassan Lotfi of Al Zahra Hospital Dubai on attaining accreditation as a Master Surgeon in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Dr. Lotfi started his practice in Scandinavia in 1990 and he is the current president of the Emirates Endometriosis League and has a special interest in endometriosis and problems of chronic pelvic pain.
Dar Al Shifa Hospital

Congratulations to Dar Al Shifa Hospital in Hawally, Kuwait on attaining accreditation as a Center of Excellence in Orthopedic Surgery. The staff at Dar Al Shifa Hospital, including Dr. Ahnaf Arnaout, have met and exceeded rigorous standards as a commitment to patient safety and providing the highest level of patient care. Site inspector, Dr. Neil Hutcher, awards COEOS to […]